

I am Anne, and I love Jesus, my husband, my six boys, and my three girls.  I am continually amazed at how God works in our lives, and I just can’t help but write about it.

I especially adore God when He “transforms life from a series of random events to the poetic realm of a sacred tale” as Sue Monk Kidd states it.

At a special memorial service for my Dad, I was reminded of one of my sweet childhood memories of him. He would sit on the floor in the hallway between my room and my brother’s room and read to us from the Guidepost devotional each nightGeorge july 4, 2012. My favorite Guidepost author was Sue Monk Kidd. Recently I have been longing to write a book of my own, but wasn’t sure where to start. Then the idea came to me to write a collection of small stories, taken from my journals, of when God spoke to me or did something wonderful in my life…a sort of devotional. This past week I was at the library and saw the name “Sue Monk Kidd” on a poster of new releases. “What!?” I thought, “She writes books!!!” So I looked her up and found a book on CD of her early writings for Devotionals, First Light.  How precious for me to be able to be connected to my Dad iscan36n some way.

  Yet, that was only the beginning.  As I was listening to her writing, my heart was burning within me! She was describing my passion and putting words to it by saying, “My story became bread through which God mediated grace.” and, “The inner tale transforms by reorienting us to new truth and insight, breaking open the hidden holy that dwells in our experience.” And this was only the introduction!

In this blog I want to practice breaking open the hidden holy that dwells in my experience.  I want to begin to write in hopes of having a book published someday.  I pray that God can speak to you through all the many ways He has spoken to me!



9 thoughts on “About

  1. I was reading in Above Rubies magazine that you are expecting your ninth child in April of this year. How are you doing? I keep thinking of how much food you must prepare for a meal at your house, although you have lots of help!


    • I am so glad you came to check out my blog! Feeding the children had not been a big deal because we grew slowly, just one child at a time, and young children don’t eat very much. All of a sudden it has gotten hard to keep food in the house. Having teens and preteens, most of them boys who are hungry all the time, may have something to do with it! God provides wonderful ways for us to get large quantities of food!


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